Maria Moutsov & Associates Inc

Maximizing your business potential

Maria Moutsov & Associates Inc

We help you Score.

Maria Moutsov & Associates Inc

Inspire you into collaborative action.

New possibilities for effective action.


"In order to help people, you must begin by understanding them..."
Charles Read

Maria Moutsov & Associates Inc.

There are a lot of personality tests out there, but none of them are available while conversing.

BiodataTM is a predictive profiling method that allows you to understand your clients, employees, managers, candidates while you are talking to them.

The information helps you establish an accurate “read” on what motivates them, that help you establish meaningful rapport that leads to commitment and action.

BiodataTM is invaluable in hiring, team building, behavior modification, personality conflicts, selling, influencing, and so much more.

Biodata™ Performance And Behavior Profiling

  • We accurately predict how an individual will behave, communicate and perform when buying, selling, hiring, promoting or re-assigning tasks. Second paragraph to read: The interviewing process is done in a collaborative and interactive setting on the phone, in person or teleconferencing.
  • The interviewing process is done in a collaborative and interactive setting on the phone, in person or by Skype!
  • The information is valuable before and after hiring, in helping management to motivate and manage for peak performance.
  • When used in behavior modification, team building, leadership programs and other scenarios, the insights revealed help both the individual and management to better understand and improve their working relationship, communication, and team dynamics.
  • Biodata™ is also used as a powerful and compassionate coaching tool that allows individuals to shift their attitude and behavior to match the needs of their colleagues, their job and their environment.
Maria Moutsov & Associates Inc.